I love this game but im really struggling to make the grey macrons , which is tea? can I use the expresso powder? please help me !! I need to carry on with this game!
ADORABLE! I love the artstyle, and I love the mechanincs. my favorite had to be the macarons and the crossiants! Rest in peace, Riven! he must have been very loved to live as long as he did! ^^
Your cat looks like mine named diamond. Sorry for your loss though. I love the game, it is so cute. A few things were kinda hard at first to know what they were trial and error helped me figure it out. Most things were obvious what they were like the eggs and others had the names of them on it. The powder sugar was the hardest to figure out lol. Other then that, just perfection.
This game was so cute and just overall wholesome. The last customer (not spoiling) was probably my favorite because of the recipe being so different. This game was so cute I just wanna scream aaaaaa
Adorable. That's really all that needs said~ but I will elaborate further ;3 the design is really cute, everything is drawn really well and pretty realistically, the music is so soft and soothing, the overall feel of the game is really sweet and heartwarming... the ending almost had me in tears. Great game, amazing concept, 10/10 would play again!
how do i make coffee? i already tried the expreso and it doesnt work its annoying cause im trying to finish it up but i cant! help me please i really want to make it to the end nvm i did it
Sometimes the loading screen itself won't load but the game will launch in about 30-45 sec. Other than that I think Unity also has trouble with Firefox so maybe another browser might help? I also know it will not work on mobile so unfortunately you will need to use a computer but I'm not sure about tablets/iPad. Sorry I hope this helps!
Hello! Makin Biscuits was really, really amazing! The cats were cute, but above all, each pastry was drawn with such detail that it was fun just to look at the background.
And the ending. I learned what you had put into this work. Thank you for letting me play with your cats and their memories.
Finally, I made a video and an introduction article, although the language is not English. Thank you for letting me play Makin Biscuits!
I had no idea that "tart" also means sour. In Japan, the word "tart" reminds me of a fruit tart, so I chose a Melon Cheesecake with fruit on top, but I was pleasantly surprised that you watched my video to such an extent!
โ Return to game
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where is choux pastry im gonna cry
nvm guys i figured it out im so stupid
I love this game but im really struggling to make the grey macrons , which is tea? can I use the expresso powder? please help me !! I need to carry on with this game!
Hello! The tea is in the yellow square container on the second row
I wish I could make the melon cake, beignets and the tiramisu, they look so good...
I loved this game so much!! It's beautiful and sooooo cute <3
Thank you so much for playing!!!
You're welcome, I really loved your game!! <33
rip riven, i hope you enjoy being immortalized through this game
loved the game, rip Riven <3
ADORABLE! I love the artstyle, and I love the mechanincs. my favorite had to be the macarons and the crossiants! Rest in peace, Riven! he must have been very loved to live as long as he did! ^^
where is the tea? to make the macarons?
RIP Riven, what a sweet looking kitty, bless you
rip riven
I luv this game so much!!
i love this game! would love to see a full version (i would be happy to pay for it :])
The menu looks so delicious, I immediately wanted to go baking in real life to taste the dough. Really want to go to a bakery now after playing it.
I forgot to bake the croissants but they still went on the plate perfectly baked. Fun little game, just a small bug.
this is the baking game I've been looking for... Thank you!! <333
I LOVED IT SM (rest in piece riven :c
Btw rest in peace, riven.
such a cute game omg twas an overall chill and wholesome experience <3
this is a really cute game i absolutely love it!
I really want play, but i can just see a black screen..
there is no loading screen. you just have to wait until it's loaded
What a great game! i had such a fun time playing, all the cats were so cute!
Its looks very cute but I cant play, all I see is a black screen :(
Sometimes the loading screen itself doesn't load, but if you wait about a minute it will launch
Okay thanks imma try that
very pretty game!! i love how wholesome and sweet it is <33
Your cat looks like mine named diamond. Sorry for your loss though. I love the game, it is so cute. A few things were kinda hard at first to know what they were trial and error helped me figure it out. Most things were obvious what they were like the eggs and others had the names of them on it. The powder sugar was the hardest to figure out lol. Other then that, just perfection.
This game was so cute and just overall wholesome. The last customer (not spoiling) was probably my favorite because of the recipe being so different. This game was so cute I just wanna scream aaaaaa
The game doesn't load but it looks amazing :')
that was the cutest thing i have ever played omg
Such a wholesome game. I really enjoyed it all the way through. 10/10 would recommend and definitely play again!
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it!
Hey, typo. In the Raspberry Charlotte Cake it says to "docrate" it with a bow. I presume it meant decorate.
Adorable. That's really all that needs said~ but I will elaborate further ;3 the design is really cute, everything is drawn really well and pretty realistically, the music is so soft and soothing, the overall feel of the game is really sweet and heartwarming... the ending almost had me in tears. Great game, amazing concept, 10/10 would play again!
Cool game! The text style for characters talking is a little weird, though.
how do i make the lady fingers i follow the steps but it turns into cake and i cant add it to the cake (oh i figured it out-)
Coffee and espresso are used interchangeable in the game! sorry for the confusion! when it says "add coffee" it's just the espresso powder
thank you
๐๐ฅบ have a cookie
how do i make coffee? i already tried the expreso and it doesnt work its annoying cause im trying to finish it up but i cant! help me please i really want to make it to the end nvm i did it
I cant load it in the web!.. Any help
Sometimes the loading screen itself won't load but the game will launch in about 30-45 sec. Other than that I think Unity also has trouble with Firefox so maybe another browser might help? I also know it will not work on mobile so unfortunately you will need to use a computer but I'm not sure about tablets/iPad. Sorry I hope this helps!
There's a similar situation on Edge.
Hello! Makin Biscuits was really, really amazing! The cats were cute, but above all, each pastry was drawn with such detail that it was fun just to look at the background.
And the ending. I learned what you had put into this work. Thank you for letting me play with your cats and their memories.
Finally, I made a video and an introduction article, although the language is not English. Thank you for letting me play Makin Biscuits!
(machine translation)
Thank you so much for the video!! It was so lovely!! Sorry for the confusion with the Charlotte Cake, "tart" is another word for "sour" in English!
I had no idea that "tart" also means sour. In Japan, the word "tart" reminds me of a fruit tart, so I chose a Melon Cheesecake with fruit on top, but I was pleasantly surprised that you watched my video to such an extent!
Thank you so much for your lovely work :)))
This was really sweet! The designs are so cute, and I loved the baking aspect! I'd love to play more of a game like this ^-^
This was absolutely adorable! All the cats have great designs and dialogue. A great way to spend a half hour.
I melted??? I melted at that ending
Points for baking accuracy and for adorable art style! I love all the cats' designs. The ending got me all up in my feelings. 10/10 paw beans.